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About Me





Welcome to FadedSpring my little 'springbots'.

My name is Ana De-Jesus , I am 21 and will be graduating with a BA in English with Education and Social Sciences . Join me springbots on my fashion journey as I document the highs and lows of becoming a fashion blogger. Highly  opinionated and not afraid to speak my mind , FadedSpring will be refreshingly honest and sometimes tongue in cheek. From a young age I used writing as a platform to express my innermost fears and desires. Writing allowed me to become confident in getting my ideas across and made me realize how flawed our society really is. I became interested in politics, fashion, history, culture and other sectors which were often misrepresented in the media and wanted to challenge those culturally appropriated stereotypes. The older I got the more complex my story/article ideas became and reflected the changing landscape of the society we lived in.


The evolution of my writing style has shaped my fashion choices. To me fashion is an expression of self, a way to communicate through the medium of fashion. From girly floral prints to channelling the Riveria vibe through big floppy hats , I have every fashion box ticked off. Not afraid to try out new fashion trends and put my own personal spin on it, I am bold and adventurous.

For more information visit my  Other Works section.

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