Rinsta VS Finsta: The Secret Instagram Trend
'In a postmodern world reality is unconceivable, fantasy on the cusp of reality the boundaries are blurred, Are we dreaming or are we...
Fly Me To Jupiter: A Review
'Feminine expression clouded in masculine doubt, the virility of manhood threatened by feminine power, Feminine sphere of self-discovery...
Broken Doll
'Sickening wounds festering in chaos, silver tissue shrivelling like crysantheums, Crystalized teardrops caught in time, salt burns...
Fashion Bloc: A Review
'Diversity is unheard of, discretion of taste, in our world of ours bitter triumph reinstated, Rejecting the social norm is an ode to...
Charmeuse Couture Wishlist
' Vintage and lace, threads of the past, ribbon interlaced in a tapestry of gold, Twinkling chimes of an era long gone, the scent of old...
The Abuser Part 3
'Tangled claws caught in a web of hair the grit of sea salt burning retinas in the dank ocean Murky depths defined by hatred in a...