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An Interview With Mbcoss

'Golden locks perfumed with lavender, the scent of youth cleanses sin,

Innocent naivette wrapped in cotton wool, living in a fantasy that no spell can break,

Unable to percept reality there is no soul, a blank stare her only movement,

Slowly slinking into slumber, the weight of a thousands years erasing memories,

Pursed lips no longer exhale, a shadow of doubt upon her glazed eyes,

Sleep well golden one'

Instagram Special Day Three: Meet Mbcos

Meet Cosmina a Spanish digital influencer from Malaga whose jaw dropping shots wander through the premise of Spain making us Britons look shabby in comparison. Effortlessly glamorous in both shorts or gown Cosmina exudes a 50's sex appeal with the edge of an urban londoner. Mixing a hybrid of feminine and masculine traits, each look posted on Instagram can get over 100 likes in just a minute! So what is Cosmina's secret? Is it her undeniable charisma effortlessly captured through every movement or is it the allure of a social media prescence, an ideal that remains unknown? Find out as we explore Instagram and how Cosmina founder of personal style blog 'Mbcos' tackles its most predominant issues.

Ana- Hi Mbcoss and welcome to FadedSpring!Instagram was founded in 2010 in partnership with its sister site Facebook. Since it launched Instagram has become the highest grossing platform with the most active users recorded. What does Instagram offer to its community that its rivals don't?

Mbcos-I don't think it's about rivalry here because each platform it's created for a specific type of publicity. I find Instagram more useful for bloggers, photographers models and brands who want to make their product known.

A-As a digital influencer how do you interact with your followers and what tips do you have for new Instagram bloggers?

M-I love to interact with my followers because behind the 'hype' there are real people who want to know me better or have questions that I love to answer.I like to check out their pictures and support their profile too.

A- Instagram has come under criticism for its treatment of the female body i.e. 'free the nipple' and ' periods' implying that we should censor our lives. What is your take on Instagram policies and how does it affect the way that you structure your feed?

M-I treat social media as what it is: you share what you feel like and I believe it's good to have some rules to follow, otherwise this would be a big mess.

A- Instagram is made through trial and error and it can be difficult sticking to a theme. What is your Instagram 'theme' and how does it correlate with the ethos of your blogs brand?

M-My Instagram theme is FASHION. I usually share my looks and pictures from my trips, but I never think about keeping a 'theme', I share what I like and feel like

A- As technology advances so does the digitilization of media, meaning that our online prescence is more significant than what we do in the public eye. Why do you think bloggers are a part of this digital revolution?

M-I think bloggers look more like real people and they can influence better than 'famous people'. I believe a youtube blogger rather than a 'famous girl' who is selling me a shampoo but maybe that's just me.Blogger create publicity but closer to the reality.

A- Describe your brand in three words and explain why these words correlate with the ethos of the brand.

M-My brand? I can't say I am a brand , for now.

A-The life of an Instagram blogger to the untrained eye can seem 'perfect' when it is an unrealistic representation of our lives. How does your photography convey reality and how do you show your followers how approachable you are as a digital influencer?

M-I think I just stick to the real me and not edit my pictures much. My life is not perfect and I never tried to make it perfect, I just post online what I like, but that doesn't mean my life is only that.People use to forget about this kind of things.

A-Every day thousands of bloggers sign up to Instagram to drive traffic to their blogs. What advice would you give to bloggers starting out on Instagram?

M-First of all,they have to make the difference between a personal account and a professional one. Be creative, friendly, patient and stick with your thing.You are a fashion blogger? Follow the fashion hashtag and interact with people, it's the easiest way to make your profile known

A-If you could change anything about your Instagram what would you change and why?

M- I wouldn't change a thing about my Instagram account as I feel it represents who I am as a blogger.

A- As bloggers we all work hard to create the perfect shot but what is the difference between photos we put on our Instagram and ones that we put on our blog?

I use the same pictures for my blog as for Instagram.I think professional pictures are the ones who get more views/likes because of the quality of the pictures.There are days when I am on the go and I post on Instagram pictures taken with my phone, but I have to use filters in order to make it better.

A- Our photos are representative of our personal identity and brand. What Instagram photo is your favourite and why does it represent who you are as a person?

M- I share so many pictures on my social media accounts and I have to say that the ones that I wear a smile on my face ,are my favorite. I am a happy positive girl.

A-Finally if you could meet any Instagram blogger who would you meet and why?

M-I think I have to change a little bit the answer here,I would meet any Instagram blogger even if it's famous or not.I like to meet new people and even better when we have things in common. But I would love to meet my followers and get to know them better,I think it's very important to see who is behind the love on my Instagram account.

My Verdict

Funny, vivacious and undeniably charming Cosmina is a digital influencer with a heart. Unafraid to challenge convention the brand Mbcoss has captured the hearts of her fans and will stop at nothing until she is reigning supreme.

Much Love Springbots xox

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