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November Recap


'Howling jackals clawing at bark, piercing screams as their throats are slit,

Crying children wiping salty tears, sleepless nights crying out for love,

Love and sacrifice go hand in hand, the future is bleak if there are no wise humans in it'

This month I published an incredible 16 posts and considering I work two other jobs and write posts between 900 and 1200 words it is quite an impressive feat. November earnt the most traffic in the four and half months that I have been blogging and that is a target that I am hoping to beat in December. I want to thank my 'Lil Springbots' for the incredible journey that I have been on so far and am truly grateful that you have been supportive both here and on my other social platforms. Join me as I look over last months posts and spotlight the top 5 Instagram and Blog posts that my readers were loving last month.

Inspired by 70's vintage I recreated a look that was accessible for the modern era and explained my role as an ambassador for Stephanie's Closet, whose ethos and passion for affordable fashion is a motto that I wholly support. The 70's challenged fashion boundaries and created an iconic signature style that would influence our modern appreciation of vintage fashion.

Exploring the debate that the proliferation of social media giant Instagram is damaging blog traffic, I analyzed why Instagram has seen a resurge of growth since it was founded in 2010 and determined that Instagram is only an 'exestension' of your blog but can never fully replace, explaining the difference between disposable and evergreen content.

November 25th An Interview with Mbcoss

Part of my popular Instagram special week, I explored the digitalization of social media and how famed digital influencer Cosmina curated her feed to boost her follow count. A good natured soul it was a suprising insight into the world of a popular digital influencer who engaged rather than ignored her fans and was always happy to meet new followers.

Being a newbie to the Instagram world I share my top 5 bloggers that have influenced my personal style and how these bloggers challenge conventions through the content that they share.

A comprehensive outlook into how I tripled my Instagram following in the space of two months by creating a strategic schedule that enabled me to engage with followers and other Instagram users and utilizing my photos to fit two predominant niches.

November 20th Drowning in the Wild

As part of my life-series 'Drowning in the Wild' looked into life after abuse with the severe bullying that I faced during my time at secondary school and explored the stratification of the high school system and how it affected the development of adult issues.

November 18th The Midnight Hour

Ever since I could remember writing formed the backbone of my healing process from abuse and bullying and allowed me to practice freedom of speech without fear of judgement. To me writing is a spiritual medium through which we can deal with the obstacles that life throws at us and learn a valuable life lesson to move forward.

November 17th Blogger on Shoot

A very different post for me I explained what really goes on behind the scenes and explored the work and turmoil that goes into shooting outfits, proving that is far from the glitz and glamour that the media represents blogging as.

November 16th Luxemme Review

As part of my collaboration with Luxemme I chose a black mesh-playsuit that fed into the directional ethos of the brand but also represented my own unique outlook to fashion. Tapping into the neo-gothic trend I show that the goth trend synoymous with dark romanticism does not always have to be morbid and instead can be seen as political instead.

November 13th Redefining Feminism

Throughout the ages the definition of feminism has varied but the underlying principles are the same; campaign for womens rights and challenge the male agenda. I re-define feminism by shedding light on how promoting equality for both sexes or simply fighting for the power of the female gender defines feminism rather than the radical 'brash' stereotype' perpetuated by the media.

Explore the growing segregation between snapshots of reality and photoshopped feeds that rely on fantasy and how these two distinct feeds are positive or negative to your wellbeing as an individual.

A review of jewellery designer KLG's collection 'Fly Me To Jupiter' the colection used a mix of soft and harsh textures to symbolize the primitivity of human life and established that women are not defined by gender but that the concept of a biological identity is not fixed. Empowering women was a key component of the collection and derived influence from a range of historical female figures.

November 9th Broken Doll

The first chapter on life after abuse it turned out that the dark days were not over yet and I explore how I was manipulated and bullied as a teenager for being different. I show you how I draw strength from my past and explore the multiple narratives running through my life story.

I attended a fashion event for Eastern- European designers highlighting how the Western world was divided into fashion fractions and how Fashion Bloc aims to bring all the unknown designers together in one place in order to give them a stepping stone to success.

Charmeuse challenged me to create a wishlist and I created similuar outfits using Polyvore to show how these outfits would work off the big screen.

November 2nd The Abuser

After facing brutal physical and mental abuse for 4 years as a young child I was taken into care. But would there ever be a happy ending?

Novembers Top 5 Traffic Boosters

1. How To Get More Followers On Instagram

With 126 comments and 1k views on that post alone in 7 days ' How to Get More Followers On Instagram' is my 7th most viewed post of all time and considering that is only a week old is a very impressive feat.

2.The Midnight Hour

My readers identified with the premise of being a writer and agreed that writing promotes freedom of expression which many institutions restrict.

3.Redefining Feminism

An important post for me I wanted to show my readers that being a feminist does not make you a radical man-hater but instead is open to interpretation and explored that many men are devout feminists too campaigning for equal human rights.

4.Fashion Bloc: A Review

Putting the spotlight onto Eastern-European fashion the ethos is simple 'challenge and believe' that you have the power to make a difference.

5.An Interview With Mbcoss

My friend and digital influencer I enjoyed interviewing Mbcoss to explore how she utilizes her Instagram

Top 5 November Instagram Posts






What was your favourite blog post and/or Instagram post?

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